Patent Leather Bag

Patent Leather Bag

Broadcast: 29th November 1950
Added: Jan 21 2014
Joshua Sharpe works for his clients on a strictly cash basis to provide for the needs of his nearest and dearest Josh Junior and his daughter Debbie. To these two Sharpe is both father and mother. To his clients he is a good detective, to Josh and Debbie he’s the friendly magician, the fabulous hero, the giant among giants the Big Guy!

Joshua Sharpe's landlady Mrs Jessop accuses Josh and Debbie from walking in to her apartment and stealing a patent leather handbag after she sees them playing in the hall. Their father does not believe his children would do such a thing and after confronting them with it to be sure he suggests to Mrs Jessop that they get the beat police officer to sort things out. Mr Sharpe was surprised by her reaction to his suggestion of getting the police. She seemed very distressed and afraid of involving the police, so much so that the shock seemed to have killed her. Why was she so afraid of the police and who had stolen the patent leather handbag and could Mrs Jessop's death have been murder?