Who Says Advertising Doesn't Work

Who Says Advertising Doesn't Work

While listening to the recent Lum and Abner shows on RUSC from 1947 I couldn't help listening and relating to the sponsors advert at the end of the show, especially relevant for the time of year.

It goes like this...

"It's almost February and if you've escaped a cold so far this season you're lucky! But you never know when a cold will come your way so be prepared. Take advantage of the Alka-Seltzer cold comfort treatment. See how easy it is to follow and effective it can be. Here it is: 

A) Alka-Seltzer -start taking it according to the directions on the package. 

B) Be careful, get plenty of rest, watch your diet, avoid exposure and stay out of draughts. 

C) Comfort - just gargle with Alka-Seltzer for the raw raspy throat, which often goes with a cold. It's so soothing. 

So make sure you have plenty on hand, when your tablets get down to four, that's the time to buy some more!"

Well, I am not here to advocate medication, listening to Lum and Abner is my medicine, but Alka-Seltzer is one inexpensive off prescription drug we have in our bathroom cabinet. The Lum and Abner series reminded me Alka-Seltzer has been around some time. 

Who would have thought that an advertisement would still be working over seventy years later!

Oh and its also good for hangovers, ha ha ha. As the advert goes, "Plop, Plop Fizz, Oh what a relief it is!"

Happy listening my friends,

Ned Norris