One Member's Memories From "Across The Pond"

"Many thanks for the Thanksgiving Card, great. We don't have this holiday in England but I'm sure it's nice to have two turkeys - November and December!

I have been listening to our digital radio station over here, which has vintage radio six days a week at 4.30pm and 00.30hrs. It’s absolutely fascinating. I couldn't figure where I'd heard Suspense before till I remembered in the 1950's when I was first married my wife and I used to listen to AFN in Germany all the time and these programmes were relayed on Saturday nights. Then of course the great DJ's they had then took over with popular music and jazz. Shows like Bouncing in Bavaria, Late Date and Midnight In Munich. Those were days!! I am now an avid subscriber. keep up the good work".

Thank you Ken from Settle, Yorkshire, England. It's great to know that "The Man in Black" was heard and enjoyed so far away.

I have added an episode of Suspense for your enjoyment today.

Happy listening my friends,

Ned Norris