Memorial Day

Memorial Day

On Memorial Day we pay tribute to the men and women who have sacrificed their lives to protect our country and the freedoms we enjoy.

In honor of the day, and as a tribute to all our brave soldiers who have fought for peace and liberty, Joy and I have put together a list of shows, which you will find by clicking on the link below:-

Memorial Day Shows

For a non-stop selection of poignant military shows, you could also listen to the World at War radio station at:

RUSC Radio - World At War

I hope that you will find all of these stories uplifting, inspiring and entertaining but most of all let them give you food for thought in remembering our great and brave defenders of Liberty.

Memorial Day is often thought of as the unofficial start of the summer, with many planning something special. Do you have any plans this weekend? 

Finally, please let Joy and I wish you a great weekend, but let's never forget the courageous men and women who have served and sacrificed so much in the past, so we could enjoy this holiday, just as we honor those who stand duty today to keep us safe.

Happy listening my friends,

Ned Norris