Happy 4th July!

Happy 4th July!

What a fantastic week we've had on the RUSC old-time-radio parade, in which Joy and I have featured a show every day on RUSC in the run up to one of the most important days in the history of America, our day of Independence.

Alongside the parade, we've also been running a poll to see who you'd most like to share your 4th July with, and it's been one of our most popular yet! 

The winner of the poll with 25% of the vote is Our Miss Brooks, and her 4th July Picnic

Osgood Conklin, the principal of Madison High School, where Our Miss Brooks teaches English, has an appointment with the Doctor, and the conclusion is that he has slightly elevated blood pressure, likely caused by his suffering at the hands of Miss Brooks. The doctor's recommendation for treatment is for Mr Conklin to avoid contact with Miss Brooks, and if possible, leave town for a few days. It just so happens that Connie's going to be leaving town for the 4th July weekend too...

You can listen to the Our Miss Brooks episode by clicking here.

Here's the results and runners-up of our poll:-

19.44% - Avalon Time: 4th July Picnic 

16.67% - Great Gildersleeve: Jolly Boys 4th July Picnic 

11.11% - Life with Luigi: Independence Day Parade

8.33% - Father Knows Best: Meaning of Freedom

8.33% - Jean Shepherd: Patriotism Fireworks Stories

8.33% - Aldrich Family: Surprise Party

2.78% - Bill Stern: Guest George Jessel


To help you celebrate the 4th of July, America's Day of Independence, Joy and I have put together a selection of shows for your enjoyment, which you will find on the special page linked below.

Independence Day Shows

Or if you'd like to listen non-stop, there is a brand-new RUSC Radio Station, which you can listen to right now by clicking on the RUSC Radio on the left menu.

However you choose to celebrate your 4th July, Joy and I hope that you have a great day!

Happy listening my friends,

Ned Norris