Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th

An estimated 17 to 21 million people in the United States are affected by a fear of this day, Friday the 13th, making it the most feared day and date in history.

So why is Friday the 13th considered to be unlucky? 

Have you ever wondered where this, and other, superstitions come from? 

Why do you feel the need to throw salt over your shoulder to counteract any ill luck from spilling salt in the first place, why should you never have an open umbrella in the home, why you should knock on wood to prevent misfortune from occurring to you when you've made a prediction, or why walking under a ladder or breaking a mirror will cause you bad luck?

The Origin of Superstition, also known as Superstition On The Air, was a series of short stories designed to disclose the origins of many of the more popular superstitions.

So as the 13th October has fallen on a Friday this year, I thought that you might like to listen to an episode from this series, which deals with the belief that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day. Can you guess at the story behind it? 

There are several more Friday 13th radio shows in the RUSC collection which you might also enjoy.

Calling All Detectives - 1948.10.25 - Prizefighter Hires Jerry To Cure Him Of Superstitions

Our Miss Brooks - 1949.05.15 Yearbook Photo Mix-up

Suspense - 1962.02.04 Friday

Witch's Tale - 1938.05.02 The Devils Number

Do you consider Friday the 13th to be an unlucky date? Has anything bad ever happened to you on this day before? Do you have any superstitions to help you avoid bad luck? Joy and I would love to hear your stories. You can add them in the comments below.

Happy listening my friends,

Ned Norris