Featured in February!

Featured in February!

There are a lot of important dates at the beginning of February, all falling within days of one another.

In our most recent poll, asking what you'd most like to see featured on RUSC during the month, it has been pretty 'even' across the board. So I thought heck, why not just do an editorial featuring them all! 

Chinese New Year - 10th February

Unlike our own New Year celebrations which take place between 31st December and 1st January, the Chinese New Year is never on a fixed date, as it is based on the lunar calendar. This year Chinese New Year falls on the 10th February with the rising of the second new moon (crescent moon) after the December solstice. The festivities are celebrated the world over, and it is one of the most colorful and exuberant events, lasting around two weeks ending on the 24th February, which will see a full moon - marking the departure of winter and the beginning of the spring season. Each year is represented by one of twelve animals, and for 2024, it's the Year of the Dragon. 

Super Bowl - 11th February

For myself, the most exciting part of February is the Super Bowl! The days of huddling around the radio, glued to the play-by-play descriptions of gridiron action are now long gone, but the game is no less exciting! While the Super Bowl wasn't around until 1967, key rivalries like Army vs. Navy, Notre Dame vs. USC, and the NFL Championship game generated immense excitement. These broadcasts were national events, uniting fans across the country in their shared passion for the sport. You can listen to them right here on RUSC. Or listen to a selection playing non-stop on the RUSC Football radio station.

Abraham Lincoln's birthday - 12th February 

More eloquent words have been written about Abraham Lincoln than of any other American, and there are plenty of wonderful tales and recollections in old time radio shows too. Click on the link above to visit a special page which lists many shows about Abraham Lincoln and his career, life and loves, which you can use to choose several shows for your playlist.

Mardi Gras / Pancake Day - 13th February

On Tuesday 13th it's National Pancake Day or Mardi Gras, which originates from Christians and French Catholics who observe Lent. Lent is the period of forty days leading up to Easter and traditionally is a period of fasting. So on the day prior to Ash Wednesday, known as Shrove Tuesday in some parts of the world, folks would use all the dairy products and rich foods by making pancakes. There aren't many shows which feature the date, but anything Mardi Gras or pancake related, you can listen to by clicking the link above.

Valentine's Day - 14th February

After all the smashing and bashing of the Superbowl... It's time to move on to some lurrrve! And as much as I hate to admit it, I'm definitely an old romantic, so this weekend I will be showering Joy with gifts, and encouraging her to snuggle up in the den together, listening to some of the wonderful old time love stories on the RUSC Romance radio station.

Jack Benny's Birthday - 14th February

It appears that not all of our members are old romantics though - because in the recent RUSC poll, you indicated that you'd rather celebrate the birth of one of the all-time greats of old time radio, Benjamin Kubelsky. He was far better known as Jack Benny though! Do you think he'd have been just the 39 years old as always - or maybe twenty one again (plus one hundred!)? You can read all about Jack's life in this terrific editorial written by an old friend of RUSC - Phil Castora.

🎓 And don't miss the Valentine's quiz I've added to RUSC!

Happy listening my friends,

Ned Norris

P.S. Next on the calendar is Presidents Day! Why not listen to the RUSC Presidents Radio Station, for a non-stop selection of shows about our past US Presidents. Some of these old time radio shows are engaging historical stories and some are classic good fun - but they're all very entertaining!