Black Museum Remake

Black Museum Remake

Black Museum Remake
from Ned And David

If you've been a member for a while you might remember me putting up a couple of special productions that I put together with my good friend David Davies. The first of these was a Sherlock Holmes story and the second was the Story of Crippen.

I'm pleased to say that there's now a third production. This one is a remake of an episode of The Black Museum.

Like the other two productions this one also relies on David's wonderful abilityto be able to perform ALL of the parts of the production. That's right, every voice you hear, from the narrator through to the policemen, are all done by David.

Right-click on the link below to download the mp3 file:

Click here to download Ned and David's reproduction of the Black Museum

After listening would you be so kind as to fill out a very short survey as both David and myself would love to know what you think. Here's the link to the survey form.

Click here to take the survey

I hope you enjoy the production.

Happy listening my friends,

Ned Norris