Answers to Christmas Anagram Competition

Below are the answers to the Christmas Anagram. I was surprised at how many people got them all correct. I thought I'd been really cunning with some of them, but obviously I wasn't cunning enough. I'll have to try a little harder next time.

I wrote the names of all the correct entrants onto small sheets of paper and have just held the draw ... drum roll ... and the winner is ... Bert Johnson of New Jersey!

The anagram competition seemed to be well received so I'll try and come up with a few more questions over the coming months, in fact I'll get one up on Monday, but be warned, it won't be easy.

Answers to Christmas Anagram Competition

1.  Commendably glib free = Fibber McGee and Molly
2.  Red Gnat = Dragnet
3.  I yell of fire = Life of Riley
4.  The Big Ant = Nightbeat
5.  I'm a warty body base = Broadway is My Beat
6.  No UK Gems = Gunsmoke
7.  Hot Washed = The Shadow
8.  A yes case = Easy Aces
9.  Buy elite for you = You Bet Your Life
10. My instrument increases = Inner Sanctum Mysteries
11. Twin Bog = Big Town
12. Thugs Toil = Lights Out
13. Uses pens = Suspense
14. Robin Sketches = The Bickersons
15. Bland Manure = Lum and Abner
16. Not Basic Bloke = Boston Blackie
17. The Slim Yawn = What´s My Line
18. Grotesque To Heavenly Face = Voyage of the Scarlet Queen
19. Sexier Hot Shot = The Six Shooter
20. The Fans Work Best = Father Knows Best
21. Yearly Motives = I Love a Mystery
22. Quite Asleep = Quiet Please
23. My Stealthier Overtures = The Mysterious Traveler
24. Mad One Depraves Us Fast = Adventures of Superman
25. Unduly Jolly Nasty Horror = Yours Truly Johnny Dollar

Happy listening my friends

Ned Norris