Grey Goose - Episode 073

Grey Goose - Episode 073

Added: Nov 13 2023
Episode 73, 74, 75 and 76 make up this next instalment of the continuing story of the Grey Goose, Adventures of a modern day Robin Hood. Barbara Faversham is intrigued by an article in the agony column and shows it to Roland Fletcher. It read: "HW, do you love your daughter?" Then three days later, "Answer HW answer you are jeopardizing your daughter's life by your silence.". The latest one said, "HW, no answer, Grace will leave you in twenty-four hours. After that you will answer or she will suffer." 
Barbara knew Grace. She knew her father was Howard Wharton. The final message was instructions and Roland aka The Grey Goose planned to go see Howard Warren and persuade him to let him go to the appointment in his place...