Fu Recaptures Nyland Smith

Fu Recaptures Nyland Smith

Broadcast: October 26, 1939
Added: Feb 19 2021
Nyland Smith and Paul Sterling whom Dr. Fu Manchu has attempted to transform in to members of the legion of the living dead have outwitted the insidious doctor with the help of Fa Lo Swee.  While Sterling is assigned to duty inn the botanical research room , Smith is sent back to the outer world to work in the interests of the Sci-fan . Sterling discovers that Dr. Petrie is being held prisoner in the underground laboratories and together the two men manage to escape but are intercepted by Smith who asks them to go back while he surrounds the place with police. However their rouse is detected and Fu after flogging Fa Lo Swee for her treason, tries to eliminate both Petrie and Sterling. Meanwhile Smith has returned to the beach of St Clair de la Roche and signals inspector Weymouth who is coming to shore...