Eyes And Ears For The Millions Pt 2

Eyes And Ears For The Millions Pt 2

Broadcast: November 28, 1944
Added: Mar 07 2022

The first regularly scheduled broadcast on November 2nd 1920, over the newborn radio station KDKA, was nursed into being by Dr Frank Conrad, turning what had been a dream into a reality, harnessing the swift energy of electricity for communication. But before that, there had lain a century of brilliant achievement. Men had always dreamed of using electricity to span space with words and messages - a curiosity with a definite purpose and goal. It was in October 1832 when Samuel F B Morse, returned to America after a few years study abroad...

Learn how Samuel Morse, Heinrich Hertz and Guglielmo Marconi all played their part in the creation of the radio and how our modern communications came in to being.