Death Rides The Roller Coaster (Repeat)

Death Rides The Roller Coaster (Repeat)

Broadcast: 3rd December 1949
Starring: Bud Collyer
Added: Dec 01 2008

When the planet Krypton home of a race of supermen exploded in to dust its sole survivor was an infant boy who had been shot to earth in a sealed rocket. Today that boy grown to manhood is known as Superman sworn enemy of the forces of evil. To aid him in his never-ending fight for truth and justice he masquerades as Clark Kent crime reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper. His secret is carefully guarded, no one is aware that Kent is Superman, no one but you!

Join us now as Superman the man of steel in his guise as Clark Kent crime reporter pits his super strength against a gang of killers in Death Rides The Roller Coaster.