Columbus Day Play

Columbus Day Play

Broadcast: October 11, 1949
Added: Oct 09 2023

In his letter to his mamma in Italy Luigi writes to tell her that tomorrow all America's going to celebrate Columbus Day and he discovered it four hundred and fifty years after Columbus!  To celebrate the day Luigi's night-school class are going to put on a play and Luigi has the part of Columbus. Miss Spalding delegates Luigi to supervise the presentation of the three page play. Excitedly Luigi tells Pasquale but he tells Luigi he shouldn't be messing around at school he should be married with a wife - his daughter Louisa! Pasquale plans to foil their play and lets Luigi think he has lost the script. Luigi's best friend the delicatessen Schultz reassures him that they everything will be fine they will rewrite the play and after the show is over it will be an experience he'll never forget!