Art Hannes

Show Count: 60
Series Count: 5
Role: Old Time Radio Star
Old Time Radio
21st Precinct21st Precinct
Show Count: 113
Broadcast History: 7 July 1953 to 26 July 1956
Cast: Everett Sloane, James Gregory, Les Damon, Ken Lynch, Harold Stone
Director: Stanley Niss
Producer: John Ives
"21st Precinct. It's just lines on a map of the city of New York. Most of the 173,000 people wedged into the nine-tenths of a square mile between Fifth Avenue and the East River wouldn't know, if you asked them, that they lived or worked in the 21st. Whether they know it or not, the security of their persons, their homes, and their property is the job of the men of the 21st."