Florence Robinson

Show Count: 3
Series Count: 1
Role: Old Time Radio Star
Old Time Radio
Duffy's TavernDuffy's Tavern
Show Count: 65
Broadcast History: 29 July 1940 to 30 June 1942, 6 October 1942 to 27 June 1944, and 15 September 1944 to 18 January 1952
Cast: Shirley Booth, Florence Halop, Sandra Gould, Helen Lynd, Doris Singleton, Sara Berner, Connie Manning, Florence Robinson, Helen Eley, Margie Liszt, Gloria Erlanger, Pauline Drake, Hazel Shermet, Charlie Cantor, Eddie Green, Alan Reed, F. Chase Taylor, Dickie Van Patten
Director: Rupert Lucas, Jack Roche, Rory Sanford, Mitchell Benson
Producer: Ed Gardner
Top of the pops in radio situation comedy for more than a decade through the forties and into the fifties and all built around a character who never made even one appearance on the show.