Yukon "Gold" Direct To Your Doorstep!

Following on the recollections of Clint re Sgt. Preston of the Yukon, we received the following e-mail from Mike Garvey:

Clint touched upon the cereal company offering where each box had a deed to one square inch of land in the Yukon. 

I'll add to that that, if you mailed in a quarter to them, they actually sent you your land.  My younger brother did send for his land, and when the package arrived it was a small leather like pouch containing about a cubic inch of dirt. 

My brother was disappointed when he dumped the contents out onto a paper, he could find no traces of gold, which he was sure would be there.  I suspect our mother disposed of his "land" in the back yard under the cover of night.

Thank you Mike, for sharing that with us, I'm sure it will bring back memories for many of you too!

If you click on the link you can learn more about the original promotion by Quaker Harvest Oats in 1955. It seems that if you hold the deeds to 1 square inch of Yukon Land it is worthless as a claim to the land but the good news is a number of memorabilia experts claim the old deeds are now worth as much as $90 each to collectors.

Better check down deep in your drawers!

You can listen to Challenge of The Yukon again on RUSC today.

Happy listening my friends,

Ned Norris