Your Favorite Cowboy

Your Favorite Cowboy

It's not surprising that Marshall Matt Dillon from the series Gunsmoke won our recent poll to choose your favorite cowboy to share our lockdown house with 38% of the votes..

With his cool, calm nature and his ability to always see the good or the bad in a person you knew that justice, if only of the compassionate kind, would always prevail in Dodge City.

William Conrad starred in every episode of Gunsmoke from the first one on the 26th April 1952, entitled Billy The Kid to the final episode, Letter of the Law on the 18th June 1961.

The opening of the show left little doubt that Dillon was the law; “Around Dodge City, and into the territory on the west, there’s just one way to handle the killers and the spoilers: that’s with a US Marshall and the smell of gunsmoke! Gunsmoke! … Starring William Conrad the story of the violence that moved west with young America, and the story of a man who moved with it. I’m that man … Matt Dillon. United States marshal … the first man they look for, and the last man they want to meet … it’s a chancy job, and it makes man watchful … and a little lonely.”

There were 480 plus episodes broadcast in the 9 years it spanned and most of them are extant and can be heard on RUSC today.   

The cast had so much fun making the show and would often break out in to fits of laughter. Lucky for us some of those takes were saved too and can be heard on RUSC under Bloopers. And be sure to listen to The New Hotel rehearsal show, it's hilarious, how the cast got through the recording with the production team honking horns in the background and the constant laughing throughout. It's just brilliant!

And if that's not enough, Joy and I have put together a quiz to test your knowledge of all things relating to your favorite cowboy, U.S. Marshall Matt Dillon and Gunsmoke.


Happy Listening,

Ned Norris.