The Creaking Door: Memories From A Childhood In South Africa

As you know I like to add more thrillers throughout the month of October and was just listening to an episode of The Creaking Door when, as if he'd read my mind, Glen, a dedicated member of RUSC, sent me the following e-mail to share with you.

Glen's E-Mail

I am a South African and I remember The Creaking Door which aired on Springbok Radio beginning in the 50's, as I recall, very well. My brother who is nearly six years older than I am would switch on the radio in the room we shared to listen, and I would be scared out of my wits! Of course, he would listen in the dark while we should have been sleeping. I would immediately jump into his bed and hold tightly on to him! I have 25 episodes, but unfortunately the South African Broadcasting Corporation in those days never archived any of their productions, and soon over-taped them, so only what was recorded by fans remains today.

Springbok Radio continued into the early 80's and aired a lot of local drama. It was only on January 6, 1976 that television came to this country, so our radio drama by that time was very sophisticated. It was very sad for us all to witness the eventual demise of the station; it was so orientated to drama that there was no way it was going to make the transition to the more modern form of radio, as there were already such stations in existence. My father especially never ever made the adjustment to television and remained a radio listener until his death in August 1976.

Fortunately, Springbok Radio survived him, and he continued to enjoy their broadcasts until he died.

I wonder if you could find some of the South African version of "Men From the Ministry?" It was much funnier than the BBC one!

Best Wishes from Africa,


End of Glenn's E-Mail

Glen has answered another question for me as I have often wondered why so many of the wonderful South African Dramas where broadcast long after what we consider to be the Golden Age of radio, Men From The Ministry being one of them as this was broadcast in South Africa from 1967 - 1985.

I have thoroughly enjoyed hearing Glen’s Memories, as I’m sure, you have too, and will be adding more of this wonderful quality thriller throughout October.

If you have any memories of a particular show do get in touch, as we’d love to hear them.

Happy listening my friends,

Ned Norris