The Bet by Anton Chekhov

The Bet by Anton Chekhov

If you only listen to one show this week then let it be this from the series Favorite Story.

The Bet was written by Anton Chekhov (1860-1904), a great playwright often referred to as the Russian Shakespeare. Chekhov was a master of the short story. He was a gentle soul with an unusual understanding of the heart of man and in this story you’ll find he proves himself a great searcher after truth.

This version has been expertly dramatized and directed by Jerome Lawrence and Robert Lee. 

Two friends are debating over which is better, to be executed by the state or to spend a lifetime in prison. Ivanoff says that it is not the right of the state to take away from a man that which he cannot return and that if he were offered a choice between capitol punishment and life imprisonment he would choose imprisonment for it is better than no life at all.

His friend, a rich banker who has wealth beyond belief, and without it would feel like his life was taken away from him, bets him two million roubles that he cannot spend five years in confinement. Driven by his greed and a challenge he could not refuse, he accepts the bet stating that for 2 million roubles he will be confined for 15 years.

What does a man think about when a prison door closes behind him when he sees the four walls that will be the boundary of his world what does he think?

He had undertaken this fearful confinement, as a bet. If he could last out 15 years it would bring him 2 million roubles, but what is 2 million roubles…?

The story was chosen as his favorite story by Charles Boyer. It is an excellent quality recording, superbly acted by William Conrad and John Beal and the music sets the atmosphere perfectly.

It is a very thought provoking story and inspired me to read the full short story and others by Anton Chekhov.

Happy listening my friends,

Ned Norris