It's Quiz Time!

It's Quiz Time!

Are you an old time radio expert or a nostalgia newbie?

I know from all of the wonderful emails I receive, that the quizzes I have put together in the past are loved by everyone who has tried them.

With that in mind I've created a short general knowledge quiz - twenty questions - so you can find out if you are an old time radio expert or a nostalgic newbie. 

Check out the new General Knowledge Quiz by clicking the following link:

RUSC Old Time Radio Quiz

I tested the quiz out on Joy earlier, and didn't tell her what she scored, so she's nervously biting her fingernails right now, worrying whether she's going to be a big zero, or an old time radio hero! Do let me know how well you scored by adding a comment below. 

Wishing you lots of old time fun,

Ned Norris

P.S. I'll let you know the results next week!