Insomnia cured thanks to a 68 year old commercial

Insomnia cured thanks to a 68 year old commercial

The other night I found myself unable to sleep. My mind was wandering all over the place so I decided rather than waste anymore time lying wide awake that I would get up and do some show reviews.

Over the past few months I have received several requests for Lum and Abner, a dialect comedy soap set in Pine Ridge, Arkansas. I've been adding a few of them each week since early June. Whilst listening to the episode entitled Matrimonial Mail I found myself listening to the sponsors advert which went:

"It is especially important that growing children get plenty of firm refreshing sleep. Their young bodies need the relaxation, the tonic of a full nights rest. After a day of unusual excitement or a day of unusual physical exertion children are sometimes unable to get to sleep easily. They are, as we grown ups sometimes are, too tired to sleep."

By now I was completely engrossed identifying with the sentiment. The sponsor continued:

"... well that's why a cup of hot Horlicks is a fine children's bedtime drink. It relaxes their bodies, sooths them and helps them to fall asleep quickly and sleep soundly. Horlicks is just the sort of nourishing easy to digest food which, if taken before retiring, helps both children and grown ups to sleep more restfully."

And who said advertising doesn't work! I was straight to my cupboard where I knew I had a jar of Horlicks. Incidentally that episode of Lum and Abner was broadcast in 1935 so I'll bet that the makers of Horlicks would be pleased to know their advertisement was effective 68 years on!

I have scheduled Lum and Abner for your listening each Friday, Saturday and Sunday so while you go see what's going on in Pine Ridge I'm off back to bed with my Horlicks for some restful sleep!

Happy listening my friends

Ned Norris