Favorite Thanksgiving Show

Favorite Thanksgiving Show

There are so many great old-time-radio shows with a Thanksgiving theme that we thought we'd ask you which is you favorite in our poll opposite.

They are all great shows but it comes as no surprise that The Jack Benny Program show entitled Jack Dreams He Is A Turkey is striding ahead as your favorite.

The Jack Benny Program was first broadcast on the Blue Network on 2nd May 1932. With his capable cast of supporting players Benny made his show into one of great radio comedy shows. 

What was so special about this golden-age classic is Benny's ability to come across as a likeable guy despite being vain, argumentative, and a skinflint. People related to Benny and his willingness to often give the best comedy lines in the show to his supporting cast made him popular with listeners, guests and colleagues. This is classic comedy that is still funny today and this episode Jack Dreams He Is A Turkey is no exception.

It's four days before Thanksgiving and this year as every year Jack Benny will entertain his friends on the holiday. So he and Mary went out shopping for a turkey big enough for fifteen people. Jack has to think carefully about the size of the turkey he will buy when he's told it will cost fifty-five cents a pound! 

However, if he gets a live turkey it will only cost eight dollars. No points for guessing which turkey Jack buys!

At home with his live turkey jack thinks how cute it is and doesn't want to think about killing it in a few days. That night in bed Jack in his slumber has a dream that he's a plump turkey and everything that happened that day in the market is happening again but Jack is the turkey and is going to be sold by the butcher.

Have a listen and be sure to give it a star rating. You could even make your self popular among your friends by sharing the show!

Happy listening my friends,

Ned Norris