Clint's childhood memory concerning Gangbusters

Have you ever listened to any of the true-crime or police procedural shows and wondered whether they really were based on real-life events. Well, Clint, a long standing member of RUSC, had first hand knowledge of one of the stories that appeared in an episode of Gangbusters.

Here Clint tells us the tale in his own words. 

When I was eight years-old I remember, in the small town of Belleville, Kansas with a population of over 3,000, there was a man and his wife who was circulating a petition to try and have their son released from prison. The appeal was to the governor of our state. 

Irvin Lee Holly had been a part of a gang that robbed jewelry stores. His job was to case the place and set it up for his partners in crime to come in after closing and steal the gems. Like in most crimes crooks will start to leave a method of operation (MO). They did and in one of their after dark robberies the police had staked out the store on a tip and caught the thieves.

What was personal about the story was that the man and wife who circulated the petition owned the home in which my mom, dad & I lived. Irvin Lee had served a few years in Leavenworth prison in Kansas and the petition was successful and the governor released him on parole. He returned to home and had a job as a meat cutter in a grocery store. The job he had before turning to his life of crime.

The story was broadcast on Gangbusters and may be one of the stories Ned and Joy have in their vast storehouse of old time radio.

The old adage is certainly true that in the end, Crime does not pay.

What a great story, thanks for sharing that with us Clint. If you think you recognise the episode then be sure to let me know. I have added two episodes of Gangbusters for you to enjoy this weekend.

Happy listening my friends,

Ned Norris