Riddle Of The Ghostly Avengers #8 The

Riddle Of The Ghostly Avengers #8 The

Broadcast: August 11, 1947
Added: Jun 19 2020

Today's feature is  the story of two veteran American pilots,  George Truman and  Cliff Evans who plan to fly twenty-one thousand three hundred and fifty miles from New York around-the-globe in Piper Cubs, the popular sports plane flown by people of all ages in all parts of the country.

Hop and Tank thought they had a good lead when one of the mechanics hurriedly asked to meet them last night at nine o'clock. But when Hop and Tank arrived at his apartment they found the door ajar and the mechanic strangled to death. Before they can take off in their DC-4, Hop and Tank are arrested for the murder of the mechanic...