Peter Peter Pumkin Eater

Peter Peter Pumkin Eater

Broadcast: 2nd January 1978
Added: Oct 03 2011

His name is Peter Perkins but everyone calls him Peter Pumpkin, you rem,ember the old nursery rhyme Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater had a wife and couldn’t keep her. The whole thing falls apart anyhow for while our heroes name may be Peter he doesn’t eat pumpkins and while he has a wife he does manage to keep her although why, I couldn’t tell you. Hilda Perkins opens her mouth the split second she opens her mouth in the morning and she doesn’t shut it again until she closes her eyes at night. But Peter doesn’t listen to her, he is there but he is also somewhere else off daydreaming in one of his other worlds…

Produced and directed by: Himan Brown (07/21/1910 - 06/04/2010)

Written by: Sam Dan