Jean Lafitte

Jean Lafitte

Broadcast: 6th February 1940
Starring: Bill Johnstone
Added: Jul 06 2006

This is the story of a little known but highly important episode in the war of 1812. It is the midwinter of 1814 during our second war with Great Britain to many persons it is America’s darkest hour since Valley Forge. Our military invasions of Canada have been miserable failures; the British have burned both the capital and the White House in Washington and are in firm possession of all regions along the Atlantic coast. Their fleets blockade our ports. Dark is America’s prospect but now it grows worse for England has now defeated the great Napoleon and sent him in to exile. She is determined to end the lagging war in America with one staggering blow by the greatest single army in the European power ever despatch to the new world.

William Johnstone stars in the role of Captain Jean Laffite a free booting pirate.