Football's Advance Guard

Football's Advance Guard

Broadcast: February 25, 1956
Added: Feb 02 2021

From his first exposure to football as a Vanderbilt University undergraduate in 1899, Granny Rice never lost touch with the collegiate game. As the Grantland Rice byline began to emerge around 1910, Granny's impact on the game was constructive. Later in the golden 20s, the Grantland Rice All America teams received national attention. In fact, right up to and through his last All American team in 1953, Granny's All American selections were about as official as you could get. Well, Granny knew the players, and you can bet he knew their coaches - from Walter Camp, the father of football at Yale, right on through the moderns today, such as the army's Earl Blake, and Oklahoma's Bud Wilkinson, Granny knew them all. So with a warm salute to every youngster, Jimmy Powers now reads from Granny's book, The Tumult and the Shouting.