Brain Goes Home, The

Brain Goes Home, The

Broadcast: 3rd April 1949
Added: Sep 13 2007

Starring John Brown as Broadway, the narrator of Damon Runyon’s dramatic stories of old Manhattan New York and the gangster life in the 1920’s and  1930’s.

A guy known as The Brain was orphaned as a baby and always longing for a home where he would be welcome and have someone to talk to sets up three dolls in very expensive apartments and they all say he is welcome any time. He takes Broadway to see the dolls and meets an apple seller who he gifts with a 20 dollar bill and then gives away the 10 cent apple because he doesn't eat them. 

He swears Broadway to secrecy about his soft spot wanting a home. Six months later badly injured The Brain seeks refuge at each of the three dolls' place and is turned away from all. He finally must get out of the jostling cab in the middle of a poor tenement and the apple woman tells the men to take him inside and lay him on her bed. 

She recognized him and didn't care if the police might come asking questions. The Brain died and left her his fortune and the three dolls got 1 dollar each.

Reviewed by: Betty H.