Where In The World Are You From?

Where In The World Are You From?

On New Year's Eve last year, Joy and I watched the television coverage of many places across the world celebrating the New Year.

I'm sure many of our members of RUSC are from the USA, but I thought that this year, it would be fun to see just where people live, so that we can think of you when we see the celebrations from the country in which you live. Maybe some members will even be in wonderfully far-out and exotic locations!

To enter your pin in the RUSC Members Map click on the link below and follow the simple instructions. You might even want to include a little description of what it is like where you live or your favorite place for listening to shows.

You don't need to enter your full name or your e-mail address, just your first name and location will do just fine.

Click here to pop your pin in the map

Happy listening my friends,

Ned Norris