Presidents' Day

Presidents' Day

February 12 and 22 were observed as separate holidays to honor the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln (12th February 1809) and George Washington (22nd February 1732) until 1971, when President Richard Nixon proclaimed one single federal holiday, the Presidents' Day, to be observed on the third Monday of February, honoring all past presidents of the United States of America - and why not!

And for your listening pleasure I have added a heart warming episode of Dr Christian entitled, Washington Had His Delaware. Dr. Christian decides that what the people of Rivers End need is a dose of patriotism he wants to show men who think that things are dark and discouraging today what went in to the founding of United States of America. Now there’s a thought for all of us.

In Life With Luigi the Principle decided that to commemorate George Washington’s birthday Miss Spalding’s class should all take part in a competition to present a short radio play based on Washington’s life and knowing Luigi’s great interest in the first president of America she asks Luigi to write it. However Pasquale ends up writing it so that Luigi can take the part of Washington, but Luigi is a little worried about how it is going to turn out because this morning he saw Pasquale take two books from the library, one about George Washington and the other on how to write English!

Happy listening my friends,

Ned Norris