Lots of new charts

For a few years now there's been Ned's Top 10 on the right-hand side of the member's home page at RUSC. It lists the most downloaded shows over the past month. If you take a look now you'll see it is currently an episode of Broadway Is My Beat called Frank Dunn Case, or at least it was when I typed this - it might be something new by the time you read it.

I've now extended this so that there is a Top 10 Chart for each of the categories. So, if you go to the comedy section you'll now see a list of the most downloaded comedy shows of the past month on the right hand side of the page, if you go to the detective section you'll see the top detective shows and if you go to the Sci-Fi section ... I'm sure you've got the picture.

Hopefully, the charts will help introduce you to new series that you might never have tried. Even now I'm still discovering shows that I'd never enjoyed and I'd liken it to finding buried treasure.

I hope you find some new favorites,

Happy listening my friends

Ned Norris