Home To Thanksgiving

Home To Thanksgiving

Well this has to be one of the proudest moments of my life... Joy and I are tying with the legendary Jack Benny and Mary Livingstone in the latest RUSC poll "Which old-time family would you most like to share your Thanksgiving celebrations with?"

Thank you to everyone who has voted so far! Fibber McGee and Molly are currently placed in the winner's position, and ourselves and Jack Benny are tied for second place. Make sure to cast your own vote if you haven't already! 

Wherever you're spending Thanksgiving, if you want to indulge in some classic old time radio shows after you've had your fill of turkey and pumpkin pie, I've managed to dig out some real classics for the holiday period.

One that I'm sure you are going to love, is Home To Thanksgiving, which was written by Aileen Hamilton and was first portrayed by the Hallmark Playhouse in 1950 under the direction of Bill Gay. Coincidentally it was broadcast on 23rd of November in 1950, so 67 years ago Thanksgiving must have fallen on the same date as this year.

Here's a quick plot summary to whet your appetite until it is live on RUSC on Thursday.

Aileen Hamilton, weaving history with her fiction, brings into the story two great American names forever associated in fame and tradition, Currier and Ives. These artists, whose prints are as popular today as they were 100 years ago, gave a picture of early America, not only to Americans, but also to the world. Their skill captured the flavor of American family life, and this flavor is never more alive than on the festival of Thanksgiving.

In the starring role is the distinguished actress, Jane Wyman, who plays the part of Victoria March, a young woman torn between her betrothed and childhood sweetheart Lindsay Brown, and Ross Duncan, an artist with who she works with at Currier and Ives. 

The arrogant and egotistical Ross seems to hold eighteen year old Vicky in a spell, and how easy it is in a moment of youthful impetuousness, to cast aside the promise of a lifetime of happiness for the idea of love. Vicky ends her betrothal, and runs to the waiting arms of Ross. 

Without wanting to give away the ending I can tell you that in true old-time-radio fashion all's well that ends well.

As well as Home To Thanksgiving, I'd also recommend listening to the classic Jack Benny episode "Jack Dreams He Is A Turkey", and lots more comedy today, and over the Thanksgiving Holiday weekend, from Life Of Riley, The Aldrich Family, Our Miss Brooks, Burns & Allen and the Hardy Family. Joy has created a whole page where you can download or add any of the shows to your playlist.

Click here to view all of the Thanksgiving shows on RUSC, and don't forget there is also the Thanksgiving radio station, where you can listen non-stop. I hope that you get a chance to stop by over the Thanksgiving period.

On behalf of myself and my wonderful wife Joy I'd like to wish you, and your family, a very Happy Thanksgiving holiday.

Happy listening my friends,

Ned Norris