Gripping Recommendations
To Keep You Thrilled

Well now that we are in the Halloween spirit I guess you are well and truly in the mood for suspenseful and thrilling drama.

The recent comment made by Chuck Houlton about the Quiet Please episode The Thing On The Fourbleboard had Joy and I listening to the show all over again. If you haven't read it he said,

"What horror do the roughnecks on the oil derrick unleash as they bore through thousands of feet of rock; through layers of earth interred over millions of years? What has lurked down there for untold eons waiting to be released? The answer is one of the weirdest, most disturbing tales ever told on radio. This is it. This is the big one. Many consider this the greatest use of radio to tell a horror story. 

I don't know if I agree with that, but this is an unquestionably good story of it's kind, expertly told, with an ending that's truly horrifying."

The Dark Chambers entitled Another show I listened to recently, which truly invoked a sense of gripping fear was an episode of Inner Sanctum entitled The Dark Chambers.  It's a thrilling original radio play written by Robert Newman and starring Kenneth Lynch.

As Joe tries to fathom out what is going on a man walks into the room and explains. No sooner has this man left the room than a young woman comes into the room and things start to go from bad to worse. Joe Watson, a driver, calls the police with a crazy story, a story that sounds implausible. Joe has found himself in a strange room with no windows and no furniture except for a table with a phone on it and no explanation as to how he got there.

It had me totally engrossed to the final conclusion.Will Joe and the young woman figure out how to get out of this nightmare scenario. You'll have to listen to find out.

Sounds like the perfect show to continue the thrilling season. Keep checking in, it will be live on RUSC soon. 

I am also excited about an episode of The Shadow missing from our collection on RUSC and recently given to us by friend of RUSC Miles Watson. It is called Bubbling Death 


Happy listening my friends,

Ned Norris