Friday The 13th

Friday The 13th 

Have you ever wondered where superstitions come from, why you may feel the need to throw salt over your shoulder to counteract any ill luck from spilling salt in the first place, why you should knock on wood to prevent misfortune from occurring to you when you've made a prediction or why walking under a ladder or breaking a mirror will cause you bad luck?

The Origin of Superstition also known as Superstition On The Air is a series of short stories designed to disclose the origins of many of the more popular superstitions. 

Well as the 13th of April 2012 falls on a Friday I thought that you may like to listen to an episode from this series which deals with the belief that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day. Apparently it is believed to stem from the crucifiction and the fact that 13 disciples sat down to the last supper and Jesus Christ was crucified on Friday the 13th of Nisan the Jewish calendar. 

An interesting story appropriate for the Easter period.

Happy listening my friends,

Ned Norris