American Novels

American Novels

With summer now fully upon us there's nothing more enjoyable than a good story to listen to as you while away those hazy summer days on the beach, by the pool or simply in your own back yard. With this luxury in mind I am adding to RUSC some wonderful stories for your pleasure.

Some of America's best loved literary classics were treated to radio adaptation and presented by NBC's University of the Air in this series of shows  called American Novels. This series was also known as The World's Great Novels and were broadcast on WMAQ Chicago and produced by "The NBC University of the Air".

These are "books that live." was one strap line that aptly described the theme of this genre of storytelling which propelled some of America's (and the World's) seminal works of literature into the new mass-media machinery.
Bringing such classics as Tom Sawyer, my own childhood favorite book, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Little Women, our features here are the American greats which I am sure you loved reading as a child and which may bring back some warm memories as you now hear them (perhaps for the first time) performed and dramatised as radio shows.

Happy listening my friends,


Ned Norris