Watch, The

Watch, The

Broadcast: January 14, 1945
Added: Jan 14 2023

Like many another husband Chester A Riley, war worker is an affectionate spouse in most cases but a little weak on remembering dates. For instance he is devoted to Peg, his wife but the day month and year when they became man and wife occasionally slips his mind. Peg and their daughter Babs are discussing that now. It's Riley and Peg's 17th wedding anniversary and Peg has to subtlety remind him so that he doesn't know that she knows he forgot. Meantime Riley remembers and is telling their son Junior that he has to wear the watch that Peg gave him for his wedding present and that he always wears on their wedding anniversary. When Riley looks for the watch he can't find it and is afraid that Peg will be upset if he doesn't wear it, Oh no where can the watch be!