Return Of Anatole Chevenic, The

Return Of Anatole Chevenic, The

Broadcast: 2nd September 1974
Added: Oct 22 2011
This story is about greed, the lust for gold, which destroyed the lives of four people. Hans Chevenic worked hard for his uncle Anatole in the hope that one day he would inherit the wealth his miserly uncle frequently boasted of. Hans believed that his uncle Anatole used him as cheap labor with the promise that one day as his sole heir he would inherit everything. The bitter uncle Anatole believed that Hans was planning to kill him to get to his money and so would not tell him where he kept his money. Hans had no such wicked idea until his uncle planted it in his mind and goaded him.

Written by: Sidney Slon

Produced and directed by: Himan Brown (07/21/1910 - 06/04/2010)