Record Run

Record Run

Broadcast: June 15, 1949
Added: Jul 20 2023

The stage was careening down the mountain trail between Sawyerville and Rapid City. Gloomy Bill Langdon was driving the team hard, and Jake Williams - the guard - objected once again. The team skittered along, the wheels perilously close to the canyon's edge, but Gloomy Bill had the six horses under perfect control and urged them on. Suddenly, a quarter mile ahead, a group of horsemen rode down from the wooded slope at the left of the trail and reined up facing the oncoming stage. All of the men wore bandannas pulled over their faces, to hold up the stage. It was the last straw for Jake Williams, who was injured during the shootout, and he quit on the spot. It was nearly a week later when the Lone Ranger and Tonto made camp in the hills near Rapid City, and after getting supplies from the store, Tonto returned with news of a number of stage holdups in the past month, and word of a new guard who had taken over from Jake Williams - Jeff Gordon - who had supposedly worked with Wild Bill Hickock. The Lone Ranger was suspicious, and decided to take the next stage in disguise...