Last Ride On The Merry-Go-Round

Last Ride On The Merry-Go-Round

Broadcast: 8th March 1965
Added: Apr 03 2012
Steve Dougan had been sentenced to death, for killing a police officer, leaving his wife a widow and in need of financial support. Miss Simpson from the department of welfare had to go to the prison to interview him to see if there was a source of income to keep Mrs Dougan. Dougan was bitter, there was $10k from the sale of his business which was worth considerably more and now his solicitor was taking the money as his fee. Dugan tells her, "you grab a guy, you frame him, you tell him he's had his last ride on the merry-go-round then you come in here asking questions." He is not happy that his wife has been forced to beg and tells Mrs Simpson that if she really wants to do some good get him out of there so he can look after his family without welfare help. Miriam Simpson begins to think that maybe Dougan has been framed.

Announcer: Fred Foy