Kitty Foyle

Kitty Foyle

Broadcast: 4th November 1947
Added: Apr 24 2009

Kitty Foyle in this story is Irish in her mid-twenties and consistently feminine. She was born and raised in Philadelphia. Kitty is studying to be a secretary when she meets blueblood Wynward Strafford and they fall in love. Kitty knows in her heart that because of their different social backgrounds they can never be married but Wyn truly loves her and is determined that they be married despite his mother’s plans that he be wed to his cousin Veronica. They are almost married in Chicago but then tragedy befalls Kitty when her father dies. Finally Mrs Strafford seeing her sons love agrees that her son be married to Kitty in two years during which time Kitty can go to college and finishing school. Kitty realises she is a free spirit and can never be glued in to the mould. Kitty loves Wyn but she knows when she has hit a mountain and sets her own terms out to Wyn. She decides to go to New York and work in the perfume business. She tells Wyn if he still loves her in six months to come back and tell her.

Script for radio by: Margaret Leworth

Author: Christopher Morley