Information Please, Greta Garbo, Marian Anderson

Information Please, Greta Garbo, Marian Anderson

Broadcast: April 10, 1957
Added: Apr 28 2024

Ed Herlihy joins us again to play some of the recorded highlights of radio, found in the NBCs priceless library of sound. In today's show you'll hear Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra, vocal by The Rhythm Boys (1928), Greta Garbo and Lionel Barrymore in a scene from "Camille" from the 1936 film sound track. Shirley Temple sings "On The Good Ship Lollypop," from the film sound track. Bill "Bojangles" Robinson on "Shell Chateau" (January 2, 1937), the radio debut of Marian Anderson on "The Magic Key" with Milton Cross (February 2, 1936). The first broadcast of "Information Please," Clifton Fadiman and announcer Howard Claney are heard (May 17, 1938), The Coon-Sanders Nighthawks (1926).