Fires of Tohr Episode 31 of 39

Fires of Tohr Episode 31 of 39

Broadcast: 1936
Starring: Carlton KaDell
Added: Sep 05 2004
In the city of Ratohr the huge yellow skinned Shan, Ukar and D’Arnot are completing preparations for the attack upon Ahtea, white queen of Tohr. The Frenchman overhears 2 Ratohrean chiefs conspire to advise Ahtea of the Ratohrean plan. In leaving his hiding place D’Arnot is trapped by the conspirators.

In the palace of Tohr word is brought to Ahtea of a plan to revolt among the slaves of the dual pits with Wong-Tai the renegade Chinese and Mungo her chief of warriors, Ahtea hastens to the pits to investigate the rumour and to question the slave reported to be the instigator of the conspiracy. When he denies all knowledge of the plot Ahtea in a furious rage orders him whipped until he confesses.