Fires of Tohr Episode 13 of 39

Fires of Tohr Episode 13 of 39

Broadcast: 1936
Starring: Carlton KaDell
Added: Aug 15 2004
Captured by giant yellow men Tarzan and his companions are taken to the jungle city of Tohr and delivered to Ahtea, white queen of the giants. Challenged to a fight to the death by Tongo chief of Ahtea’s outer guard of Tohr men, Tarzan kills the giant savage. Against their will the ape-man’s friends are forced to witness the sacrifice of a Retohrean prisoner, Tupongtoo the fireguard of Tohr. Infatuated with Tarzan, Ahtea tells him it is her will that he remains in Tohr as king of the yellow men and become her mate. She adds that the fate of his companions rests upon his answer.