Death Of Mr Penny

Death Of Mr Penny

Broadcast: 20th March 1949
Starring: Various
Added: Feb 17 2008
On the icy slopes way above Clear Valley ski lodge the two people racing down together side by side appeared like two moving specks of black against the sea of white. To the little man who had his field glasses trained upon them the picture was far more complete. He saw a very handsome couple the woman fresh, radiant and wholesome, the man tall and athletic. As they swung to a stop at the end of the ski slope their happiness with each other seemed very apparent, Mr and Mrs Fredrick Hecklands seemed perfectly matched. The little man with the field could not help but marvel at the strange course of true love, how it could so neatly bridge the gap between the fact of Mrs Hecklands almost fabulous wealth and the modest means of Mr Hecklands the mere ski instructor.